[size=5]Welcome to HIDDEN TRUTHS!!!![/size]
Greetings to our newest member, "astralwarrior"!!!!!!
"Welcome to HT, where after you've met me everyone else seems normal." ~Derangon
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[size=5]Welcome to HIDDEN TRUTHS!!!![/size]
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge" - Charles Darwin
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -Ghandi
"Be wary of negativity. Get yourself out of the darkness which waits to trap you." -Buddha teachings
When you can see into someone's soul,
you don't make the same illusions others do...
...You want to believe people can change
but they don't.
Emotional scars do not heal.
We just learn to live with them.
Why are you still reading this?
Register already. Or post.
... News Fader's over, you can go now...
C'mon... I'm getting all self-conscious now.
HOT OFF THE PRESSES... or they would be if we had presses...
Afriel can write poetry with her feet.
AkashaAmore sniffs clocks for a living.
Akshearhea hunts rats in a dark room.
Ancarius is a small robot dressed in a green dog suit.
Derangon has 9 lives.
Derangon has no life.
Ivy kinda makes my arse itch.
JHamlet makes excellent balloon animals.
KG is the queen of a small colony of zombie lobsters near Kentucky.
Rubina has six ears. She keeps them in a jar.
SilverOak is the Half Blood Prince.
ShadowofLight controls space and time with his toe hair.
Slphero has a stuffed sheep floating above his head.
The Founder's been stealing my ground lepercorns.
Velen put dishwashing detergent in the Fountain of Life.
WinterDust collects pictures of eyebrows. She plans to take them on tour someday.
Xavrael is really a small poodle in a human suit.
Little known fact: Pieces of coral when painted brown and
attached to the head by ordinary wood screws can make
a child look like a reindeer.
Rita Skeeter was brutally murdered last night between the hours of twelve and thirteen o'clock
Eye witnesses say it was a purple orangutan weilding some kind of large sausage.
The police have no clues and urge local residents stay in their homes... and to avoid the zoo.
We will bring you more on this as the case develops.
In other news...
Aliens have landed and have promised to enslave mankind in a horrible flesh eating bloodbath.
More on that later...
First a word from our sponsors.
"Mommy, I'm hungry and I can't think of anything to type on the internet."
"Well honey, why don't you try heinz' new SPAM IN A CAN?"
Yes that's right SPAM IN A CAN comes with it's own compact disk FULL of useless rantings
Amaze your friends with pointless gardening trivia, or wow the girls with tasty Spam rolls...
SPAM IN A CAN. for your every hunger or junk mailing need.
"SPAAAM in a in a in a SPAAAM in a in a, iiiiiiiitt's SPAMINACAN -what's that?- SPAM IN A CANNN"
We now return to our regular schedule...
Hidden Truths- The end of the world as we know it has never been this funny.


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